HAVS History

How long have we known about HAVS?

In 1911,Symptoms were first described by Professor Giovanni Loriga in Italy

In 1918, Dr Alice Hamilton Reffered to 'dead fingers syndrome', stating;

“The trouble seems to be caused by the vibrations of the tool, and cold. If these features can be eliminated the trouble can be decidedly lessened“.

In 1970, Dr Hamilton died, aged 101.

In the same year, the term ‘vibration induced white finger’ was coined by Industrial Injury Advisory Council

In 1975 the first scale was published for assessing the condition -  The Taylor-Pelmear scale

In 1985 Vibration White  Finger was listed as a prescribed disease in UK

In 1997 the UK High Court awarded £127,000 in compensation to seven coal miners for Vibration White Finger

In 2004 a UK government fund was set up to cover subsequent claims by ex-coalminers exceeds £100 million in payments.

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